Meet Your Bible
Darrell Holtz, Resurrection Curriculum & Content Specialist
Mindi McKenna, Resurrection Volunteer
Melanie Hill, Resurrection Director of Operations & Community Life - West

As new people join Resurrection, they often have little or no idea what's in their Bible, or how to read it. We created the 6-week "Meet Your Bible" class for new members and anyone wanting to learn more about the Bible. The class begins with an overview of the Bible's big story, and then introduces participants to the high points of the Torah (first five books of the Bible), the historical books as the backdrop for most of the prophetic writings, the later additions to the Hebrew Scriptures (notably Psalms, Proverbs and Job), the New Testament letters (most written earlier than the four gospels), the gospels as the central story of our faith, and Revelation, the hope-filled "grand finale" to the Bible's big story. You will have an opportunity to preview the class during this session. After 10 years of refinement, we will soon be making the class materials available through ShareChurch for any church to use in motivating people to read the Bible.

Presentation Slides & Resources